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G R Matthews
Mar 6, 20166 min read
Why not give these books a try…
With the #SPFBO over and a winner announced, it seems an opportune moment for me to take a look at the books in the competition that I...
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G R Matthews
Sep 10, 20154 min read
Why don’t you buy a book?
We always talk, at least to my perception of things, of the books we chose and loved. We wax lyrical to our friends, colleagues, that...
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G R Matthews
Feb 28, 20152 min read
The Giveaway
Today (28th Feb 2015) marks the end of the my first ever Goodreads Giveaway. 646 folks entered, which I have to say is pretty good by my...
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G R Matthews
Jun 22, 20143 min read
The Phoenix Conspiracy by Richard L Sanders
I didn’t pay a penny for this book, not one single cent, rupee or any other small denomination of currency. It was free. The advent of...
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G R Matthews
Jun 15, 20142 min read
Emperor of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
With this book, Jorg’s story is complete, the Broken Empire is still broken but it there is hope. I’ll start as I would normally end,...
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G R Matthews
Jun 1, 20142 min read
Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan
Take the French Revolution. Add the industrial revolution and a great heaping of magic. Bake at 545 pages for as long as it takes you to...
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G R Matthews
May 30, 20142 min read
The Traitors Blade by Sebastien de Castell
The setting for this novel is interesting; the King has be deposed and a new ruling elite is taking charge except that royalty, the Dukes...
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