As you’ll know, I write books.
You might also be aware that I write for Fantasy-Faction too – hell, you might even have read some of my articles and reviews.
Well, by their nature, the articles for Fantasy-Faction tend to be longer pieces, 700 to 1000+ words, and they take time to draft out, check and proof. Each month, I produce one article, occasionally two, for that fantastic website.
But I’d also like to review the books I have read and enjoyed for my own website. Many of those already have reviews on Fantasy-Faction and there is no point repeating, for that website, a review.
My solution – the 200 Review.
What’s that? I hear you ask.
I intend to review books in 200 words or less. Try encapsulate the whole book in those few words. It makes it harder to write, but easier to read – I hope.
Anyway, we will see how it goes – and if anyone wants to contribute a 200 review, I’ll happily take a look and post it up.
What do you think of this idea?