There it is, Book 2 of the series done and in your hands, through your eyes and into your brain and heart. I hope that you enjoyed it. I hope that you buy the next one too. And now my Oscar’s acceptance speech of thanks (I promise not to cry).
Thanks for this one go to my family, immediate and extended, for their patience, irritation and their un-ending ability to put up with me. I wouldn’t be who am I, or do what I do, without their help, assistance and tolerance.
Thanks also to Sarah Chorn, for letting me post a review on her website; Bookworm Blues ( and for letting me have some longer articles posted on her exceptional column; Special Needs in Strange worlds on ( ).
Thanks to Bob Milne for interviewing me for his wonderful website (
I’d like to thank Brian Collins for the support, encouragement, feedback and for beta-reading the book!

Thanks wing their way across the sea to T O Munro (, as they did last time, for the encouragement and the chance to talk about writing, also, for checking and suggesting improvements.

Alongside those, thanks should go also to Mark Lawrence ( for firstly, referring to me as an author (you have no idea how much those simple words meant) and secondly, for suggesting improvements to the cover of this book. However, it is worth noting that this book is not about coffee.
The cover (both paperback and Kindle versions) were prepared in timely fashion and without any moaning at my constant desire for changes by James over at HumbleNations ( ). He also did the cover for The Stone Road (book 1) and the last book in the series, The Red Plains (book 3).
Thank you to A F Matthews for being long suffering, calm, wise and supportive.

Thanks, of course, to Marc Aplin and Jennie Ivins for allowing me to waffle on about books, writing and other stuff at And thank you for reading it – if you do. Just in case you do not, go there now. It is a fantastic website full of fantasy related information and news!
This is the "Thanks" page from Book 2 - The Blue Mountain. I figured with Book 3 - The Red Plains - due out soon, it was worth making sure that those folks I thanked, got thanked.
G R Matthews